Janina's doing great. Her treatment went well, and she had her nuclear scan on Friday. Let's just hope treatment kills all of it. We won't know until 6 months from now, I think.
Mom's still suffering from the low-iodine diet. I'll be getting her some Dunkin Donuts when she's done with all this. :-) Her treatment is near the end of this week. Let's hope this one works, too!
Cancer sucks, people. Don't forget that. Let's keep fighting, shall we?
Janina came out of the basement today, so we’ll probably have six more weeks of winter. And to my thinking—who cares—my daughter has successfully come through another phase of her cancer treatment, so all is right with the world.
She'll be able to go home on Tuesday, I think. That is, if the weather clears. The snow is up to my waist!
Aunt Rea's doing wonderfully! She had her surgery yesterday, and all went well. They removed her whole thyroid and sent it to pathology. Hopefully things come out positive. If not, OY. Her daughter is scheduled for surgery on the 23rd. One of the other daughters came out fine, but the third is still working with her doctor. Her doctor is saying that he wants to look at all of our pathology reports before deciding on a biopsy. My response? WHY?! It's obvious that this crap runs in our family, so why not just do the biopsy? Her nodule is small, but if anything, at least attempt a biopsy. Don't play cat and mouse. Just get it done. Give us some peace of mind instead of even more stress.
So far, all is going fine besides all of the above. I'm student teaching now, and it is going really well so far. I'm very excited to be graduating and starting my career. I just need to survive the next few months, then I'm home free!
That's pretty much it for now. Keep in touch, everyone. It's been lovely knowing we have so much support. If any of you have any questions or need some encouragement or support, feel free to comment me or my mother. We'd love to hear from you.
Much love, prayers, and, most importantly, good health.
Like Daughter, Like Mother: Our Thyroid Cancer Journey
Behind the Blog
Adelina is a full-time wife, mother, practice manager, and medical transcriptionist. After receiving an ultrasound and countless biopsies, she was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer on December 11, 2009. She successfully underwent surgery on December 29, 2009, and had her first radioactive iodine treatment in February 2010. Following treatment, Adelina now sees her doctor once a year for follow-up. She has been doing well, and refuses to let cancer slow her down.
Dori is 26 years old. She was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer at the age of 17 on June 1, 2006, just three days prior to her high school graduation. Dori endured two radioactive iodine treatments and two surgeries to remove her complete thyroid and 39 total lymph nodes from her neck. She is now under close watch by her doctors, and only time will tell if the cancer stays at bay.
Must-See Sites!
- Dear Thyroid
- Everything Changes: The Insider's Guide to Cancer in Your 20s and 30s
- I'm Too Young For This! Cancer Foundation
- Imerman Angels: One-on-One Cancer Support
- LiveSTRONG: Dare to Change Your Life
- Protect Your Pair
- Purus Cosmetics - Freshen Your Expression
- Redheaded Bald Chic
- Zig Zagging: Loving Madly, Losing Badly...How Ziggy Saved My Life
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